Who We Are

Meet the Team

TeachAAPI was founded in 2021 by a group of passionate parents who came together during the height of anti-Asian sentiment triggered by the pandemic. Our co-founders set forth to create systemic change in the perception of Asians in America through enhancing AAPI education in schools across the country. We believe that reaching students with engaging programming from across the AAPI diaspora will enhance the empathy and compassion necessary for children to understand themselves and those around them. Across a generation, this can have a profound impact on our world.

Our Advisory Board is a group of dedicated experts in their respective fields who provide guidance and support to help us realize our mission. This Board has been instrumental in establishing TeachAAPI’s presence, accelerating our reach and furthering our programming impact.

Our Educator Advisory Board plays a pivotal role as counsel, acting as a sounding board for all our programming and curriculum development. This team works hand-in-hand with TeachAAPI to ensure our programs are engaging, high impact and useful to all educators.

The NextGen Advisory Board helps TeachAAPI look outward and forward to build and expand our community. With their insights and innate ability to connect through stories, our NextGen team helps to identify and activate passionate supporters of our mission.

TeachAAPI is a promise to this next generation that from darkness we can each drive positive change.

How it Began

Like many Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders during the COVID-19 pandemic, our founding community of parents experienced an awakening that reflected a reality of being ‘othered’ in America that existed long before the pandemic, this was the spark that lit the fire of the TeachAAPI movement.

As the pandemic raged on, racism boiled to the forefront, becoming so loud it was impossible to ignore. Horrific stories in the media of elderly American citizens attacked in broad daylight. Comments made by children parroting politicians’ derogatory use of ‘China flu’, broadcast directly into our homes during Zoom school. It was hard not to drown in the negativity aimed squarely at anyone who looked like you. The hopelessness was almost disabling, a reminder of how the disease of racism takes hold. Almost.

When our determined, angry and hurt group of passionate parents gathered, one thing rose to the top: our strong collective desire to stay productive and drive positive change for our children. The perpetual sense of being ‘foreigners’ in the only land we’ve known brought us together. The desire to build a solution so our children feel they belong in their homeland is the TeachAAPI movement.

We are the children of immigrants who didn’t have the privilege of education, language or Americanness to make much of a dent in racism, survival was their victory.  But our generation does have the privilege to drive towards changing and shaping a future we want to see as Americans. This will be our collective victory.

In collaboration with educators starting in 2021, we dared to envision a future where microaggressions are extinct and AAPI stories are abundant alongside the rich diversity that is the tapestry of America.  Our goal was simple: prevent rather than react to future incidents.  To do this, we needed to shape and seed perspectives beginning in early education.

Our collective professional backgrounds led us to build an organization whose nature is to act nimbly, flexibly and seek out progress where it can be found. With ingenuity we bring enriching and easy to use programming to the hands of educators and parents. When our first virtual program in the summer of 2021 reached 1,500 viewers across 34 schools in numerous states, we knew this solution had legs.

Since then we’ve developed evergreen AAPI programming and curriculum that complement existing lesson plans across K-6. We continue to find innovative and engaging ways to highlight the histories that reflect AAPI longevity and contributions within the history of America. We strive to bring this work and access to schools across the country, increasing access to AAPI stories so all children have the benefit of windows, mirrors and sliding doors in their most critical years.

Our vision is to offer our programming to schools in every district across the country.

Join our movement.

Online community members
Members at events
Virtual programs delivered

Our Mission

To redefine what being Asian American means in America for future generations. We are committed to diversifying the single stories of AAPIs for all children. We passionately believe that this is essential to building identity, empathy and perspective – traits that are foundational in shaping tomorrow’s leaders, creators and innovators.

Providing all children with tools to understand and advocate for themselves and their peers, with the ultimate goal of strengthening the communal muscles needed to break the cycle of racism.

Our Values

What connects us at the deepest level. Our values at TeachAAPI shape who we are and how we serve.

True Allyship

We are a diverse collective of ethnicities, cultures, social-economic backgrounds – united in our commitment to support and uplift everyone across all our AAPI communities and beyond.


Above all else, we recognize the importance of advocating for ourselves. Our goal is to ignite this desire in every child and every family.

Empathy, Respect, and Compassion

Real and powerful connections are built on accepting, appreciating and celebrating differences.  These values enable us to learn from each other and unite as one.

Pushing Boundaries

We go beyond the superficial to seek deeper meaning and understanding. We don’t shy away from being vulnerable, having tough conversations and learning from our mistakes.

Our Partner Schools

Our partner Schools have access to our full slate of programming and support resources. We work hand-in-hand with each school to create an individualized and multi-year implementation plan that meets the school where it is on its DEI journey. As a partner school, you and your entire school community – from students to educators and parents – will benefit from a wide range of programming and planning assistance. Our focus is on providing immersive enrichment suited for today’s learners, and ready-to-go programming created to support educators every step of the way.

Program Partners

Our collaborative partners play a pivotal role in helping us shape our programming portfolio, ensuring its authenticity and credibility. In our program creation process we look for diverse points of views from multiple areas of expertise to bring together the most impactful programming for K-12 education.  Want to co-create with us to help shape the future of America? Contact us here.

Interested in Partnering? Apply here.